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Short Resistance Bands Exercises - Butt – Squat with Short Resistance Band
Butt - Squat with Short Resistance Band

Butt – Squat with Short Resistance Band


Place the band around both legs, right above the knee.

Body Positioning:

Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart. Keep your chest up, back
straight and head straight. Activate your core.


Squat down to a 90 degree angle or until your body naturally stops. Slowly return to
starting position and repeat for 10 – 15 times.

Points To Remember:

1. Keep your chest up and your core engaged throughout the entire movement.

2. Keep most of the weight in your heels.

3. Widen your feet and point them out slightly if your range of motion is limited.

4. Don’t let your knees come in, but also make sure that you don’t push past your toes as you lower into your squat.


If you are able to do more than 10-15 reps, change to a heavier band.

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