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Loop the band around your neck, hold it with both hands just under your chin and step with the right foot on the band an push it into the floor.

Body Positioning:

Come into a split stance. Activate your core.


Bending the right knee to a (if possible to a 90 degree angle). Slowly return to starting position and repeat for 10 – 15 times before switching sides

Points to remember:

Try to keep your upper body straight the entire time and avoid arching
your back.


If you are able to do more than 10-15 reps, change to a heavier band.

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Set Up:

Secure the door anchor at the bottom of the door.Attach the band to the door anchor.


Attach the band to the anchor Attach the band on the ankle stripe on the right leg.

Body Positioning:

Start on all fours with your knees under your hips and hands under
your shoulders.


Kick your right leg up, keeping your foot flexed and knees bent. Hold for 2 – 3
seconds. Return to starting position and repeat for 10 – 15 times before switching sides.

Points to remember:

Avoid arching your back by keeping your core engaged.


If you are able to do more than 10-15 reps, change to a heavier band.

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Set Up:

Anchor: Secure the door anchor at the bottom of the door. Attach the band to the door anchor.


Attach the band to the anchor Attach the band on the ankle stripe on one leg, just above the ankle.

Body Positioning:

Stand up straight with your back straight and hands on hips. Activate your core.


While keeping your legs straight, push the attached leg back until it is at a 45 degree angle or as high as you can.
Slowly return to starting position. Repeat for 10 – 15 times.

Points to remember:

1. Keep your leg straight as you push it back.

2. Push back from your heel.

3. Try to squeeze your buttocks on the active leg.


If you are able to do more than 10-15 reps, change to a heavier band.

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Set Up:

Anchor: Secure the door anchor at the bottom of the door. Attach the band to the door anchor.


Attach the band around the ankle stripe of your active leg.

Body Positioning:

Stand 3 to 4 feet away from door. Keep your back straight, head straight, chest up and active your core. Start with your active leg at a 45 degree angle with the floor.


Push your active leg out (away from the anchor point) as high as you can. Slowly return to the starting position. Repeat.

Points To Remember:

1. Keep your active leg straight throughout the range of motion.

2. Visualize pushing the resistance band from your heel.

3. If needed, position a chair so that you can use it for stability.


If you are able to do more than 10-15 reps, change to a heavier band.

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Step on the band with both feet. Grasp the hand with both hands.

Body Positioning:

Stand up straight, bend slightly forward and activate your core.


Balance on the right leg while pushing your left leg behind you against the resistance of the band. Return to starting position and repeat for 10 – 15 times.

Points to remember:

Push your foot up and slightly out when pushing the leg behind you. Avoid arching your back.


If you are able to do more than 10-15 reps, change to a heavier band.

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